Career and development opportunities

Individual development opportunities are essential for the future success of RSC. The development of specialists and managers - primarily from within our own ranks - is a particular focus of ours.

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As a manager, I am also a role model for others. That’s why I demonstrate honesty and team-spirit, as well as ensuring our employees understand the business from the bottom-up.  // Manager from our Capital Markets Division

We train and develop you

The opportunity to pursue a management or professional career path is open to all interested parties in the company. Continuous, targeted training plays a key role in helping you fulfil your potential. We have created tailor-made personnel development programmes which actively accompany you through your career path.

The commitment and performance of our employees are at the forefront of their development paths. We stand for equal opportunities, which can be seen by the high percentage of female employees, also at management level.


FAIRNESS is BIG for us!

Geschlechterverteilung bei den Mitarbeiter(inne)n und den Manager(inne)n in der RSC
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We have to deal with the whole world in our everyday lives. I see our tasks as a fun challenge. Having multiple skills is important to me, which is why our employees take part in cross-training - this is how they constantly expand their knowledge. // Head of Division with international clients